Devise Development Documentation

What is Devise?

Devise is a package designed to harness the power of Laravel and make it easier for developers to provide get content managable sites up incredibly fast. By implementing Devise you give them the ability to utilize your design and code in ways that you didn't even imagine. Devise also leverages the power of VueJS allowing you to create dynamic and intellegent interfaces.

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Notes about documentation

Throughout the documentation we will reference yarn commands. However, you can usually interchange these with npm commands. We just happen to prefer yarn.


We welcome pull requests and issues with open arms. However, please take a quick look at our contribution guidelines so that you can quick get up and running building Devise in the appropriate environment and so that your issues get resolved as quickly as possible.

Legacy Versions

If you are looking for the 1.x version of Devise take a look here: Link to the 1.x branch


Devise is available under the MIT license.

Last updated